RR No. 39 Бібліографічний покажчик наукових праць української еміграції, 1920-1931



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Product ID: 2426


This is likely Zlenko’s major work. It includes separately published monographs with their own pagination and printed separately. It does not include unpublished dissertations, nor does it include material prepared for publication but not yet published. All entries were described de visu, unless indicated by an “x”. Each has a full bibliographic description: Author, title, place and date of publication, publisher, size, pagination, illustration, as well as information on form of printing or reproduction, print-runs, and price. It also includes short annotations and reviews. The 798 entries are numbered consecutively with individual volumes of a book listed separately. The guide includes an index of personal names and a list of sources for anonymous works, almanacs, and periodical literature.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 28 × 23 × 1 cm





Year Published



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