3 results for “Зібрані твори і матеріали у трьох томах

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Михайло Зубрицький: Зібрані твори і матеріали у трьох томах: Том 2

Volume 2 of the three-volume edition of the collected works of Father Mykhailo Zubrytsky (1856-1919), the historian and ethnographer of the Boiko region in Western Ukraine, is a 613-page book containing materials pertaining to Zubrytsky’s biography. These are both works written by Zubrytsky himself and biographical materials about him. This volume was edited by Dr. Vasyl…

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Михайло Зубрицький: Зібрані твори і матеріали у трьох томах: Том 1

Volume 1 of the three-volume edition of the collected works of Father Mykhailo Zubrytsky (1856-1919), the historian and ethnographer of the Boiko region in Western Ukraine, is a 609-page book containing Zubrytsky’s scholarly works. The volume contains an introduction “Father Mykhailo Zubryts’kyi: The Nestor of the Ukrainian Village,” both in English and Ukrainian, by the…

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